No more having to get on your knees to water the Christmas tree. The Tree Nanny is an attractive hassle-free Christmas tree watering device that plays “jingle bells” when tree needs watering and makes a chiming sound to prevent overfilling of any tree stand. It also has a light sensor to prevent the Tree Nanny from making sounds when the lights are off. Requires 2-AAA batteries (not included)
1. Attach tube to funnel: run tube down through Christmas Tree keeping the tube near the main trunk of tree and into the water basin.
2. Clip Funnel to Branch: At a comfortable height for pouring.
3. Strap TreeKeeper to trunk: at basin using Velcro straps making sure that short probe is at least an inch below the desired level of water and that the tube is on the opposite side of the trunk.
No more crawling under the Christmas tree to water it
Plays jingle bells when tree needs watering
Makes chiming sound to prevent over filling and spilling
Will not wake you up at night
Easily installed and operated
Battery operated uses 2 each size AAA (not included)
Works on all tree stands
Makes a great gift
Helps extend the life of your Christmas tree (less needle shedding)