The RF-mount systems were developed for the world's long barreled weapons. The available selection accommodates barrels with outside diameters from 0.47" to 1.26" Please specify your size buy the checkout button. Just hit the drop down tab and choose your size. Call if any questions 866-888-8185.
RF-Mounts Designed For All Round Barrel Type Firearms :
RF1 ALL 410 bore, 28 gauge shotgun, all .17, .22, .222, .223, 22-250, 220 swift, .243 cal. rimfire and centerfire rifle / autoloaders. All 12-16mm (.47”- .63”)OD round barrel.
All 20 gauge shotgun .223, 250, 257, 270, 7mm, .30 carbine, 308, 30.06, 300, 375, 416 cal. rifle / autoloaders. Revolver S&W model 14, 17, 19, 27, 29, 57, 586, 686, 657, 6” barrel; revolver Ruger red hawk, super red hawk, black hawk, super black hawk, 7.5”, All 16-20mm(.63”-.79”)OD round barrel.
RF3 All 12 gauge, 16 gauge shotgun; all bull barrel rifle, all 20-24mm (.79”-.94”) OD round barrel.
RF4 All 10 gauge shotgun; all 1 inch scope; all 24-28mm (.94”-.1.1”) OD round barrel.
Intratec, DC9, AB-10.