This Real Clean Microfiber High Duster Wand With Microfiber Cover is now available for an amazing low price.
The Real Clean Microfiber High Duster Wand can be used as a high duster and a low duster. The High Duster Wand extends to 52" and with the additional Real Clean Microfiber Head attached you can add another 22" making this duster over 74" long. The Duster head measures just over 3" in width. It weighs almost nothing due to the aluminum and ABS plastic construction. You can bend and twist the head to a desired angle to clean those difficult places. Imagine being able to clean the top of ceiling fans while standing on the floor. And think of being able to clean behind the refrigerator and heavy pieces of furniture, the tops of bookshelves, rafters in a vaulted ceiling and all those places are ignored because of the height and difficulty of cleaning.
Here's how the Real Clean Microfiber High Duster works - It comes to you as a single piece with a detachable handle that will enable you to connect it to your Real Clean Microfiber blade that is made of a rubber-like material that will bend as you desire and then continue to bend into other configurations depending on the job at hand. It's covered with a Real Clean Microfiber sleeve that will attract and hold the dirt, cobwebs, or whatever you are cleaning, as only quality Real Clean Microfiber can. When necessary, the fabric can be removed for laundering.
You will literally be able to walk around your home with a 6 foot extension to your arm that allows you reach behind, and under and over, just about everything that you can't conveniently move or get to during your normal cleaning routine.
Additional Real Clean Microfiber covers are also available. Having extra Real Clean Microfiber covers around allows you to tackle those heavy cleaning jobs and change covers quickly and easily.