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Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool
Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool
Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool
Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool
Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool

Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool

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Item NumberMPO-05142
Regular Price $49.99
SALE PRICE$31.99 (You Save 36%)
Item Description Mothers PowerBall Mini MD The "Metal Doctor" Scratch Removing Tool repairs polished aluminum and stainless steel quickly and easily. The precision grip sleeved extension allows for maximum reach and control.

The first ever specialty tool in the Mothers PowerBall family. The PowerBall Mini MD (Metal Doctor) makes costly wheel repairs a thing of the past. It allows you to safely and easily remove tough scratches and stains from your polished aluminum and stainless steel parts with speed and confidence. It is fast and versatile with an added extension for reach and pinpoint accuracy to complete difficult repair jobs. The extension's rugged, industrial design and integrated sleeve allow for unparalleled control and grip.

Simply attach the PowerBall Mini MD to any variable-speed drill, add polish, and you'll quickly be amazed how quickly the scratches and stains disappear.

The PowerBall Mini MD is a repair tool for polished aluminum and stainless steel. It must be used with a metal polish such as Mothers Powermetal Scratch Remover. Do not use on painted, clear coated, anodized, chrome plated or factory finish wheels. Be sure of the surface you are working on. If you have questions, please visit mothers on-line wax forum.

Important: Be sure to run the drill clockwise. Surface must be clean and dry. You also need Mothers Powermetal Scratch Remover to remove scratches.

Mothers offers a money back satisfaction guarantee.

Made in the USA